Friday, December 09, 2005

Yes it's confusing, stay with me.

Okay. I got a job offer from a market research company, the same one that my friend Ali from MacRob works for. I am doing my training on Monday, followed ny taking part in one of their surveys on "feminine product advertising". Hey it's forty bucks for a twenty minute survey, you wouldn't say no either, even if you're male...
I decided against staying at the restaurant. I wasn't getting paid award rates, and there were too many O.H. & S issues going on there, but I've told Yen, who owns the restaurant, that she can call me if she is in desperate need of someone to help out.
I'm also doing office work at my mum's school, filing, shredding and the like; aswell as my usual job.
Jasmine, the other girl at the bookstore where I work is on Heron island studying some microbacterial thing living in the sand up there for her marine biology course, so I get to do her shifts too, pluswhen she gets back she'll also be working at office works, so I'll get extra hours off her then too. And, I've been told that they'll need me to work everyday for the first two weeks of January, 'cos Jas will be at Officeworks, and everyone else will be on holiday... Things are looking up in the finances department in case you haven't figured that out. Looks like I'll be heading off to Adelaide to visit Lora and my sister in February after all.
Oh yeah, exciting news. While I was at the restaurant I got ten bucks worth of tips, so today I bought a fish. A dwarf Gourami to be exact, and his name is Chang. I try to give my fish names which I will never want to call my children, and since he came from chinese restaurant money and has tendril things coming out from what I guess you'd call his chest which make him look somewhat oriental, Chang seems appropriate. He's a funny fish, he'll stay really still for ages and then he just sorta darts around for a while before stopping really suddenly again, should just be stress which will resolve itself.
Alrighty, tata.


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