Friday, December 30, 2005

Nobody loves me...

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms...
Not really, it's just a kids rhyme. I do want to know why noone feels the need to leave a comment on my blog though.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

On fish and things forgotten...

I forgot to tell you all that I got another dwarf Gourami. This one is coral blue, and looks really cool. Keeping to the oriental theme I called him Ming. Ming and Chang got along ok, but Ming was more dominant and chased him around the tank. Have you noticed the past tense yet? Chang got an ulcer on his tail and died, possibly had something to do with the stress of being chased around a two foot tank.
My friend Sheree is also heading off to Germany. Her parents are moving to Amsterdam, and she's doing a semester in germany, travelling around in semester two and then coming back to Australia to finish her degree before going to Amsterdam with her folks. She had a fantastic party down at her holiday house in Rye last Monday. My dad (as wonderful as he is) dropped me off and picked me up again. I didn't even ask him to, he volunteered! Sheree doesn't remember half the night as she was plastered by the time I got there!

I'm back.

Sorry for being so lazy. I honestly thought that noone was reading this, so I didn't bother keeping up to date.
So' here's what's been happening...
Timebooksellers had a sale on until the 23rd of December, so i've been working there like mad. We shipped out up to around 40 parcels a day, it was total madness and we still haven't quite got back to normal.
I got called in to Marketmetrics a few times. Turns out I'm actually really good at market research. I got called in to do surveys about RU486, the new abortion pill their thinking about making legal (with a prescription mind you). The survey was so unethically written, every statement and question was negatively loaded, and actually managed to change a lot of peoples minds. It was quite obvious where the client stood on the drug. It went against everything I've learnt about research design and ethics in Psych, I'm planning to write to the Age about it. We all prostitute our souls from time to time though, and I need money for germany; at least with this job I can whinge to people and make sure newspapers etc are aware how biased the results are.
Marketmetrics is on mandatory shutdown right now, so I'm only working at Timebooks, which is fine cos Bridget has gone on holiday, Jasmine has just got back from Heron Island but is working at officeworks too and working there alot. I'm catching quite a few extra hours.
Christmas was awesome. I got pj's from Fran, who loved her cookie jar and gluten free cookies (she's on a gluten free diet to see if that helps her eczema). From Mum and Dad I got pots and pans, a teapot with pictures from the tea party in Alice in Woderland on it and (drum roll please) a digital camera! Grandma made me a cushion and gave me some money too; so I got a lot this christmas really.
We spent christmas at our friend Tamaryn's house. She has a ten month old called Rylan (yes there is an L in there, her partner's name is Cable so he was never going to have a normal name), he was so excited ripping the paper off everything, he got a blow up castle with a ball pit in the middle. It was huge, I wanted to play in it too!
I got my eyebrows waxed today, I've never done that before. It doesn't hurt, your eyes just water for a moment and it's over.
My parents are leaving for Fiji tomorrow. I'm going to get Google Talk up and running tonight while I still have my Dad here to trouble shoot for me. So if there's anything else I want to tell people, I'll tell them on that or write emails.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Hello my name is Alice, I'm calling from Marketmetrics...

I've said that so many times today, but I've heard answering machines and unanswered ringing more often.
That's right, I had my first shift at the market research place. It's so simple, the only hard part is finding someone who'll actually speak to you for more than a few seconds before claiming "we don't want any" and hanging up. I don't know how else to say it people, I'm not trying to sell you anything!!! I got 10 surveys still, I think... To be honest I lost count and i'm not 100% sure, but that's how many I think I did. Apparently that is an awesome figure, especially on one's first day, plus each survey in todays lot took around 15 to 20 minutes, and there aren't that many people around who have that kind of time to be hung up on a phone.
Please people, don't listen to telemarketers, they have sold their souls, but listen to me and answer my questions. It actually helps you for the companies to find out what you want, they can't give it to you otherwise, duh!!
okay, there's my whinge done. I'm going to have a wonderful healthy tea, take the dog for a walk, and open up my bottle of Baileys.
Night chickidees.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Yes it's confusing, stay with me.

Okay. I got a job offer from a market research company, the same one that my friend Ali from MacRob works for. I am doing my training on Monday, followed ny taking part in one of their surveys on "feminine product advertising". Hey it's forty bucks for a twenty minute survey, you wouldn't say no either, even if you're male...
I decided against staying at the restaurant. I wasn't getting paid award rates, and there were too many O.H. & S issues going on there, but I've told Yen, who owns the restaurant, that she can call me if she is in desperate need of someone to help out.
I'm also doing office work at my mum's school, filing, shredding and the like; aswell as my usual job.
Jasmine, the other girl at the bookstore where I work is on Heron island studying some microbacterial thing living in the sand up there for her marine biology course, so I get to do her shifts too, pluswhen she gets back she'll also be working at office works, so I'll get extra hours off her then too. And, I've been told that they'll need me to work everyday for the first two weeks of January, 'cos Jas will be at Officeworks, and everyone else will be on holiday... Things are looking up in the finances department in case you haven't figured that out. Looks like I'll be heading off to Adelaide to visit Lora and my sister in February after all.
Oh yeah, exciting news. While I was at the restaurant I got ten bucks worth of tips, so today I bought a fish. A dwarf Gourami to be exact, and his name is Chang. I try to give my fish names which I will never want to call my children, and since he came from chinese restaurant money and has tendril things coming out from what I guess you'd call his chest which make him look somewhat oriental, Chang seems appropriate. He's a funny fish, he'll stay really still for ages and then he just sorta darts around for a while before stopping really suddenly again, should just be stress which will resolve itself.
Alrighty, tata.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Gute Nachrichtungen...

Nita gets back from Queensland today! Yay! I've missed her company too. I'm really looking forward to her annual christmas party, just one more week to go...
I started at the restaurant last night, and I have another trial shift tonight. Not sure yet whether I want to stay with them, there are a few too many O.H & S. issues going on there, but I'll stay for the three trials at least anyway. Hey, it's cash before christmas...
Thankyou Ali! I may have some work thanks to her too. Market research isn't exactly the most stimulating work ever but once again it's money and they pay well. As long as I don't have to sell anything over the phone it's all good.
Still missing him... I really need to stop thinking about it. What can I say, hormones have a wonderful ability to override conscious thought at times, this ain't a wonderful time for them to be overriding.
Later chickidies, not that anyone is reading.

Monday, December 05, 2005


I'm finding it really hard to get motivated today.
Do you ever have days where it feels like your carrying the whole world on your shoulders? This is one of those days.
I've got a second job at a chinese restaurant, which starts tomorrow, but I'm not too sure about it; it all seems a little less than above board. I'll just have to see how things go tomorrow before making up my mind. Of course the money would be handy, even if they might want to pay me less than award rate... Things haven't been this economically strained before and it's really stressing me out. What with those three weeks in November where I was on placement and couldn't work, my rego due and christmas coming up, things are really tight.
Plus I miss him. Now don't go thinking I'm about to tell you who he is, that wouldn't be right, even though I'm fairly certain noone I know is reading this. It's strange that I miss him this much though, I've spent longer without seeing him than this in the past, but there has always been the prospect of seeing him again really soon, whereas this time I have three whole months to wait before I will probably discover that he isn't who he was when he left.
Anyway, I've had my purge now and I really must start doing something constructive. Centrelink here I come, to stand in a queue for an hour just to hand in my healthcare card form no doubt.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


If anyone is actually reading this, I have to get you to also read Lionel's blog. It's called and yes he really is in Germany, alone, for the first time in his life. SO let's all write on Lionel's blog and make him feel loved.

Friday, December 02, 2005


You do get it right, cherries... first time... see, I knew you got it.